Marthas Beach


Marthas Beach


Painted on canvas

Gamblin Oil Paints with a Galkyd medium.

5 x 5 inch

Painting not framed

Painted in the technique of Pleinair, this piece was created completely on location over the course of one or many days.

Painted in LaConner which is a HOA retierment community. When my parents first moved to the area, we lived with my grandparents in this comunity so I knew it well as a kid. Later I stumbled upon Marthas Beach, a park located in the community which is technically private…but its an awesome beach, you can even see part of it from Craft Island. For some reason no one in the community comes to the park that much, there is allot to explore but we warned the tide comes in very quick. Ive had to walk back through 4 to 5 foot waters as it bashed against the rock cliff edge.

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